
In the past few years, there have been times when my meditations have gone much deeper where I open up to receive information from the field. For lack of a better term, I’ll call these downloads, because they are not original thoughts of mine. However, the translation of these downloads are filtered through my interpretation. It’s like raw energy getting distributed through a circuit board.

In late December 2024 I experienced one of these downloads that helped me understand the nature of things in the Universe better, all centered around one word – SIGNIFICANCE. I normally keep these to myself, but this time felt the information should be shared. I will attempt to relay this in a series of videos to add more context to the bullet points below.

– We create limitations to have an excuse for not accomplishing something or to be an extension of our expression of self. This may include physical ailments, relationships, or other circumstances in life. Since we create them, we can also choose to do away with them.

– We make ourselves smaller when we are doing something in our natural essence and others look at us in a way where we think that we shouldn’t be doing that, like we’re somehow wrong for being who we are. When we retract from that we negate ourselves and our true power and dim our light and therefore impede our evolutionary progress, limit the depth of our experiences, and withdraw or withhold ourselves in a way.

– Life arranges itself based on the things, people, events and situations we place more significance on, and the meaning/story derived from or created around that significance. Clarity and specificity with intentions will create more desired outcomes when aware of these.

– The more people who place significance on something/someone, the bigger and more solid/real it becomes and the longer it lasts. This could be major events in history, or sporting events, musicians, celebrities, etc. Collective significance continually recreates it/holds it in place. Things fall out of relevance when there is less significance placed on it, as attention goes elsewhere.

– People attach their own significance to these things/people/events in order to create their own stories in relation to them so that they feel significant themselves. It is the stories they use that creates their own meaning. It is a dual relationship here, feeding into the significance and deriving their own significance.

– We can change the past, present and future based on where we place our significance. This includes the stories we tell ourselves and what they mean, as well as what we pay attention to and what those things mean to us and/or about us.

– Changing the things we place significance on and the stories or meaning attached to them changes our reality and the circumstances surrounding us in life.

– We attract people and situations to our lives based on these significances, and they knowingly or unknowingly play a role in our creation of the universe around us.

– People’s perceptions of the shared universe and their own internal universe collide, interact, and even blend with each other more to the degree there are shared significances, even if their stories/meaning/pictures/plans are different.

The root word for significance is sign, from Latin signum. As you can see from the definitions from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is both a noun and a verb, and therefore goes beyond just simple meaning.